Our Ministries
KCJ (The Korean Christian Journal)
The Korean Christian Journal is a literature ministry of Logos Missions, Inc., a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization in Illinois, founded in October 1976 in Chicago by Rev. Samuel D. W. Park to carry out a "Word (Logos) ministry" to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and God's love. In April 1978, Logos Missions launched the first issue of the magazine, "Monthly Logos," with the mission of writing the "letter of Christ" (2 Corinthians 3:3). In October 1981, the name was changed from The Logos Monthly to The Korean Christian Journal and was published weekly until September 2013. Now published monthly, the printed newspaper is distributed to more than 20,000 Korean-American homes and churches across the U.S. KCJ is expanding the ministry through e-newsletters, online articles, and YouTube videos. Publisher Rev. Samuel D. W. Park expresses his commitment: "I hope that the Korean Christian Journal will write the last article about the second coming of Christ on the final days on earth and complete the mission of literature ministry."
CMM (Christian Mutual Med-Aid)
CMM is a Biblically-based health care sharing ministry focused on Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” CMM members share medical expenses with one another. CMM has served over 60,000 members to date. Members participate by sending in the Monthly Gifts according to the respective CMM program level. CMM is not an insurance company and should not be referred to or considered as a substitute for health or medical insurance. However, CMM can be used as an exemption from the mandated insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which states that members of health care sharing ministries are not subject to the insurance requirement and do not face tax penalties. CMM members have peace of mind knowing that their healthcare needs are met and that they are helping fellow Christians with the burden of medical expenses. CMM is fully committed to serving our members and bringing glory and honor to our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!
Logos House
Logos House, located in Ramona, near San Diego, California, was built in 2010 as a retreat center for CMM members and other Christians. Situated at 2,400 feet above sea level, Logos House includes the retreat center, a prayer house, and a guest house on a beautiful 120-acre land. The Logos House is ideal for healing the mind, body, and spirit. We welcome all Christians who seek to rest and renew in this beautiful nature that God has created.
Logos Chapel
We worship God and pray for each other. On Wednesdays and Sundays, the Logos Chapel conducts worship services with primarily Logos Missions members and employees. We believe in the power of prayer in Jesus’ name and intercede for CMM members who are sick and need healing.